Turn Up Your Speakers


Photo by Jesús Esteban San José on Pexels

Instinctually embracing her inner Phoenix, she meticulously collected the fragments scattered all around on the ground at her feet. Only then did she discover a resilience that now intricately binds the shattered shards together.

Despite bearing scars and wear, she ascends to new heights, bravely soaring high above, gracefully, once more.

This site is a tribute to you, my beautiful friend, a celebration of the Phoenix within us all.

Site: October 2023 - June 2024
Beginner UX/UI Designer
 Experienced Creator
Talented Consumer Profiler
Bold Story-Teller
Adaptable Marketer
Unique, Out-of-the-Box Thinker
Gifted Singer, (perhaps only in my mind, but my vote counts double)
Empathic & Devoted Lifelong Humanitarian

Follow me at: Facebook: Courageous Creations by LadyHawk
Contact me at: Christine Woods 

The Champ's Pantry

    ~ Our homemade treats come in three sizes: small, medium, and large.

    ~ A portion of our revenue is given back to shelter animals.

    ~ We offer monthly sales and even affiliates programs.

Introducing The Champ's Pantry

You love your Little Champ and your Champ loves you. It's a bond that is almost indescribable! 

Your Champ deserves the very best! Now you can show your Little Champ just how much they mean to you with the top quality, yet affordable, homemade gourmet treats from The Champ's Pantry.

Our treats are made right here in our own kitchens. They come from family recipes passed down generation to generation. Each and every delicious ingredient is carefully selected with the same thoughtfulness and care given when we're shopping for our own smallest grandchildren.  

We offer time-tested, wholesome combinations your little one is going to love! We know our treats are made just like you would make them in your kitchen. 

What are you waiting for? Get your champ some home baked treats from our pantry today. 

"You were born to soar."

Welcome to the extraordinary tale of Emily Hawk, a beacon of resilience and creativity that to this day continues to defy the odds. In the embrace of her Native American heritage, Emily's life unfolds like the vibrant plumage of the Phoenix. Born into a world touched by both tragedy and triumph, Emily's journey is a testament to the indomitable spirit within us all.

I invite you to join me into the pages ahead. There you will discover a narrative woven with the threads of courage, determination, and the transformative power of art, love, and the instinctual drive to build, plant, cultivate, and create. 

From the depths of childhood isolation due to SCIDS, a then unexplained, rare, genetic immunity disorder to the pinnacle of academic success in college, through the harrowing trials of 5 different cancer diagnoses, to seeing her own leave the nest to bravely face our world as they bring up their own "hatchlings" Emily's story is an amazing, true journey and inspiring testament to the strength within us that arises from adversity.

Step beyond the mere words with your vision you now consume. Immerse yourself into the celebration of the indomitable human spirit—a canvas adorned with hues that radiate from energies spent conquering challenges, blasted with artistic brilliance, and formed with unwavering resilience. The question lingers, inviting you to shape the narrative: Will you choose to join me now on this exploration of Emily's extraordinary life? Are you open to unlocking your own wellspring of inspiration as her journey unfolds before you? Picture the Phoenix within, responding to your decision here and now to rise. For it's not merely Emily's story which is to be told; it's an invitation to cocreate a shared tapestry of triumph and creativity, a journey awaiting your affirmative choice to unfold.

Photo by Lum3n on Pexels

Eclectic ~ E-clek-tick

Eclectic. Don't you just love the sound it makes as it rides the windy waves, leaving your face? E-clek-tick. Say it fast. Say it slow. No matter how you say it, it to me means: "freedom". 

Freedom? But from what? You are wondering too, aren't you? Well, let me explain. 

As a woman in this American society there are a mountain of rules. Oh, I understand that all people, men and women are bound by these societal restraints, but no one does social quite like women. Everything, and I mean everything, is riding on how well we perform when it comes to our turn to be inspected. 

I'm sure the woman reading this are nodding their head's already getting my point. Let me dive a bit further into this "secret of society" for those still not quite catching my drift. 

Picture this: it's a beautiful spring Sunday, church is ending, everyone is all smiles as they shake hands and smile at the babies as everyone pours out through the doors of the sanctuary. It was to be true one of Pastor's best sermons yet! You're on cloud nine, as they say when you're shaken back to earth by a shrill voice. Ms. Barbera Ann. 

"Oh, sister Barbera, don't you look lovely today." 

"Thank you, thank you....um Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Woods! I was just speaking with Pastor, and we have a situation! It seems that I will not be able to host the afternoon lunch at my place, my dog is ill, but I suggested that you wouldn't mind. You don't mind, do you dear? I will of course, make it up to you." 

Suddenly you feel the heat from all the eyes gazing upon you, and here on center stage you can't possibly give but one answer. "Of course, I don't mind. Come on over everyone." 

Quicker than a slinder dog chasing a rabbit on a dirt track you dash your way home.  Let me ask you, if it were you this week, unexpected host, would you be delighted or doomed? Shhh. I won't tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me. 

There are three types of homemakers, the ones who have it all together, the ones who don't, and the ones sort of in the middle who choose a very neat decorating style described as "eclectic". See? If you're of the eclectic variety no one expects your stuff to match. Things don't have to look like they are placed in a museum. Just as long as somehow, somewhere, there is a story, feeling, memory, tied to it...it belongs. And you're practically a genius for having it there. Wherever there is. 

Eclectic releases the binding requirements of being a perfect decorator. Poof! The chains are off....and you are free to decorate however your little heart desires. 

Welcome to my portfolio-journal-blog-website. Here everything is carefully chosen based on a feeling, a story, a memory, or just because it sparkles or is neon. I really like sparkles and neon. And tree frogs. Such cute little sucker toes! I welcome you to pull up a chair, here's a cup of tea. Sit down for a bit and let just visit. Take a look around, if you like. As you can tell my decorating style is Eclectic in nature. 

I hope you enjoy your visit and why yes, I am always open to feedback from those willing to share. I'm sure glad you're here. 


  • Abdominal Bloating, Fullness, Pressure
  • Pelvic Pain or Discomfort
  • Increased Frequency of Urination
  • Loss of appetite or feeling full quickly after eating
  • Persistent Gas or Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Low Back Pain
  • Increase in the size of your abdomen
  • Fatigue
  • Pain with Sexual Activity